Outdoor Activities for the Florida Naturalist

These pages are focused on identifying available outdoor recreation in Florida based on general activities of interest. Some of the more popular outdoor nature exploration activities will have additional pages or other links under this tab.  These are sites or articles found to be beneficial to locating the many outdoor Florida activities close at hand.

Our current featured outdoor activities available from the following links or page selection above include:

  1. Canoeing / Kayaking
  2. Hiking & Trails –  (including biking and equestrian trails)
  3. Wildlife Observation

Planned additions include snorkeling as research provides some valuable information of benefit for the Florida snorkeling activity.

Those visitors interested in sharing some of their experience are encouraged to email us, or become Florida Nature Guide members (free).  Fellow nature enthusiasts have an opportunity to help develop this site as a premier resource for Florida naturalist interests. Additional resources, updates, forums and other benefits are planned for nature enthusiasts who would like to participate in this site's development by becoming members. Check out our "Members" page to learn more.

If you have found a certain resource helpful in your enjoyment of some of these Florida nature adventures, we would like to invite you to share the site with other Florida Nature Guide visitors.  You can simply email us at: email@floridanatureguide.com with a short description along with the nature link for our review.

If you have a blog of interest to the Florida naturalist scene, let us know.  We would be happy to provide additional sections if appropriate to publish your posts here on Florida Nature Guide.  In addition to this outdoor activities section, we have pages dedicated to coastal interests and just about anything related to the Florida outdoors.